
时间: 2018-03-23来源: 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研作者: admin

中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院Miguel课题组主要从事转录调控及转录后调控在细胞命运转变中的作用及机理,基于人多能干细胞的疾病模拟等方面的研究工作,是中国科学院再生生物学重点实验室的成员,先后承担国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),国家自然科学基金,国家重点研发计划,广东省干细胞重大专项等项目。近年来,课题组相关研究成果先后发表在Nature Methods, Nature Cell Biology, Cell Stem Cell, Cell Research, Nature Protocol, Nature Materials等高水平学术刊物上(详情参见:http://sourcedb.gibh.cas.cn/zw/zjrc/200907/t20090711_2065026.html)。现因课题需要,招聘助理研究员或研究实习员2名,具体信息如下。 岗位1:生物信息相关助理研究员或研究实习员

拟招聘人数: 1人


1. 协助承担研究组长分配的课题;

2. 负责对高通量测序数据进行分析;

3. 负责相关生物信息数据的采集、整理和挖掘。


1. 具有生物信息学、生物统计学等相关专业硕士学位以上学历;或具有生物信息行业从业经历的优秀本科生;

2. 熟悉基因组知识,对生物统计学原理及意义有深刻的理解及应用能力;

3. 了解常用生物信息分析软件,具有高通量测序数据处理经验,熟悉Linux系统,熟练使用Python, Perl或R语言其中一种;

4. 具有较强的英语读写能力; 

5. 沟通能力强,勤干捷思,积极主动,责任感强,能承受一定的工作压力。













The laboratory of RNA, Chromatin, and Human Disease at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is now seeking for highly motivated individuals with passion and curiosity of science. Our lab focuses on transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms controling cell fate transitions, and also aims to create atlas of human diseases using stem cells. Our long-term goal is to understand the intricacy of healthy and diseased cell identity. We are member of the Key Laboratory of Regenerative Biology, CAS and are supported by various foundations and programs including the Ministry of Science and Technology, National Natural Science Foundation, National Key Research Development Program, and many other. Our work has been published in Nature Methods, Nature Cell Biology, Cell Stem Cell, Cell Research, Nature Protocols, Nature Materials, and other high profile journals. (For more details please refer to:http://sourcedb.gibh.cas.cn/zw/zjrc/200907/t20090711_2065026.html).

Job 1: Bioinformatic research assistant

Job description:

Assist lab investigators on various projects with a focus on analyzing high-throughput sequencing data and maintaining bioinformatics pipelines.

Minimum qualifications:

1. Master degree in bioinformatics, computer science, statistics, or Bachelor with equivalent working experience in bioinformatics.

2. Familiar with high-throughput sequencing data analysis, functional knowledge of Python, Perl or R.

3. Adequate knowledge of English is desirable but not necessary, as we communicate both in English and Chinese in our lab.

Applicants are welcomed to send curriculum vitae to: lai_yiwei@gibh.ac.cn

Job 2: Biological experiment research assistant

Job description:

Assist lab investigators with cell biology and molecular biology related experiment, and analyze experiment results. Also do other work according to research plan.

Minimum qualifications:

1. Biology Bachelor degree or above. The one who have experience in molecular biology/cell biology/genetics experiments and research will be given priority.

2. Enjoy team work, be serious and active in work, have interests in scientific research.

3. Can do some basic communication and reading in English, like to communicate with people.

Applicants are welcomed to send curriculum vitae to: li_wenjuan@gibh.ac.cn .

