Faculty Positions in Institute of Physics (IOP), Chinese Aca
About IOP: IOP is the leading research institute in China in condensed matter physics and related fields. Through the steadfast efforts of generations of scientists, IOP has become a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary research organization engaged in research on basic and applied physics. Its current research activities concentrate mainly on condensed matter physics, optical physics, atomic and molecular physics, plasma physics, soft matter physics, and condensed matter theory and computation physics. There are 11 laboratories and 7 centers in our research system together with a strong technical support system for research. More Information about IOP can be found at www.iop.cas.cn.
IOP is entering a period for rapid expansion of its research bases. We have multiple opening positions at all levels from junior Tenure-Track Assistant Professor to senior Full Professor in multiple research areas, broadly defined. We invite talented applicants who exhibit the potential of or have demonstrated of running a world-recognized independent research program. In particular, IOP is making strong effort to internationalize our faculty member from different culture and ethnic backgrounds. We welcome all applicants worldwide.
Overseas High-level Talents (Full Professors and Chair Professors)
Hundred Talents Program-Class A (Tenure-Track Associate Professors)
Hundred Talents Program -Class B (Tenure-Track Associate Professors)
Key Technologists
Overseas High-level Talents
Professor or equivalent position from a well-known overseas university or research institute.
Principal Investigator or key contributor to research projects with significant achievements.
To be recommended for the national “Thousand Talents Program”/ Chinese Academy of Sciences “Hundred Talents Program”- Class A.
Hundred Talents Program -Class A
PhD degree with research experience from a well-known overseas university or research institute.
Assistant Professor or equivalent level.
Significant scientific achievements, extensive international influence, leadership ability.
Preferably under 40 years old.
To be recommended for the national “Thousand Talents Program” for Distinguished Young Scholars / Chinese Academy of Sciences “Hundred Talents Program” - Class C.
Hundred Talents Program -Class B
PhD degree with research experience from a well-known overseas or domestic university or research institute.
Significant scientific achievements.
Preferably under 35 years old.
To be considered for the national “Thousand Talents Program” for Distinguished Young Scholars / Chinese Academy of Sciences “Hundred Talents Program” - Class C.
Key Technologists
PhD degree with research experience from a well-known overseas or domestic university or research institute.
Significant technological achievements.
Preferably under 40 years old.
To be considered for the Chinese Academy of Sciences “Hundred Talents Program” - Class B.
Competitive salary;
Sufficient start-up funding;
Well-furnished apartments to rent;
Children to be enrolled into good schools.
Preferred fields of research:
Materials science;
Condensed matter theory and computational physics;
Experimental condensed matter physics;
Surface sciences;
Energy materials;
Nano Science;
Atomic and molecular physics including ultracold atom systems;
Quantum information;
Research using large scientific facilities (Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility, Beijing Synchrotron Light Source, China Spallation Neutron Source, etc.)
How to applyApplication deadline: Three times a year
- January 31 for spring term
- May 31 for summer term
- August 31 for fall term
-Timely offer can be made.
Ms. Qi Fu
E-mail: fuqi@iphy.ac.cn
Tel: 86-10-82649469, Fax: 86-10-82649218